Hope those of you who attended the Sec 4 farewell had lots and lots of fun today:D
GB is leading chapel this coming Monday! Yay(:
Please remember to commit the worship team in prayer for that.
And, the GB fortnight cards will be due that SAME DAY.
Another reminder that it should be handed up to your level reps with a cheque addressed to 'The Girls' Brigade Singapore' and your name, squad, card number and class at the back of your cheque(:
Lastly, a piece of GOOD news...
Next week will be P6 Blessing and is also the 5th week of July...
So it's mufti!!!
See you guys next week!
8:34 AM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The deadline for the submission of your GB Fortnight Cards will be on the 27th of June, 2pm. Please hand up your cards on time! You are to give it to your respective teacher-in-charge. Please issue a check for the whole amount and also include your name, class, squad and card numbers at the back of the check. The check is to be addressed to: The Girls' Brigade Singapore Make sure you write it correctly kay! In any case that you send the donation form to the wrong address, the card is lost etc., you HAVE to inform your teacher-in-charge and Miss Yang. Thats all! And remember to check the notice board for more details:D
7:57 PM
This is a reminder about the founder's day rehearsal this thursday.
We will all have to report at the LINKWAY at 7.30AM.
Also bring along your BOOTS and GB SOCKS.
P.S. GOH, sticks, contingent I/Cs etc. please remember to bring your WHITE GLOVES.
-- With God's love and 1st Coy's.
7:54 PM
Sunday, July 5, 2009
There will be NO GB MEETING next Wednesday, 8th July.
Also, Founders' Day is coming up soon so all of us will be involved in the Founders' Day Parade! Yay!!!So everyone please check the gb notice board next week for details about it.
Thanks:D And Happy Youth Day!
5:15 PM
Date - Orderly/ Reserve
1st - Nicole Thio/ Amanda
8th - Charlotte Sim/ Janelle
15th - Grace Loke/Yuen Min
22nd - Angeline Wong/ Nicole
29th - Janelle Yan/ Grace
Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
- 1 Timothy 4:12
Mission 2008
To instill the passion for GB in each and everyone us and to take ownership of our responsibilities so that we may be dedicated and enthusiastic in serving the Lord as one spiritual family.
Vision 2008
To be united as one in love, with the Holy Spirit’s help to continually building up our faith in the Lord so that we can serve God with a willing heart and set a good example to the believers around us by leading our lives in a Christ like manner.
Chairman: Rachel Khoo
Vice-chairman: Naomi Ng
Secretary: Kelley Wong
Assistant Secretary: Christelle Guillion
Chairman: Ruth Gan
Vice-Chairman: Daphne How
Secretary: Lianne Leong